
Monday, February 7, 2011

February 7, 2011

Sam welcomes Lindsey Graham (Evan close the closet door!) to the show and their lips are so close! Sam received a brand new Shure SM7B microphone from an anonymous listener and granted them naming rights. So it was dubbed the “Lindsey Graham” though Sam is understandably uncomfortable calling the mic that. It is also huge! (your welcome, Sam.)

And here’s some advanced notice: The Members Only After Show (or B-Side or a plethora of other names that Sam has not decided on yet) is near a lock down date. By next Tuesday or Wednesday the listener IM-driven post show will only be available to Majority Report members. Please become a “member with benefits“!

Just a few more quick show notes:

If you are purchasing anything from Amazon.com you can use The Majority Report storefront link. You can bookmark this link and use it as your primary way to get to Amazon. Whenever you purchase anything there with this link MR gets some money in commissions. There is also a new Majority Report Store where we will put links to books and movies of guests of the show.

And the Twitter world is aflutter and it’s thanks to Kyle Shank and his Donate Your Account program. Donate a Tweet a month, a week, or day to promote The Majority Report on Twitter!

On to today’s recap: Of course Egypt is still in the news. The protesters in Tahrir Square want one thing – Mubarak to step down.

Bill Maher spoke to Mona Eltahawy on Real Time about how much of Egypt is represented by the protesters in Cairo.

Elliot Spitzer spoke to Mohamed Morsy, a representative of the Muslim Brotherhood, who said that his group is “100 percent” behind freedom of religion and the press in Egypt.

UPDATE! At the time of broadcast today there were conflicting reports of the release of Google executive Wael Ghonim but it has now been confirmed that he is free. Great news.

The confusing January employment numbers are out – employment is down but job growth is slow.

The CAP Act and Ed Kilgore’s lists of problems with it

There’s a new University of Maryland study that asks Americans how they would address the deficit. Those polled were more aggressive with raising taxes – more than if we would have allowed the Bush tax cuts to expire. Sam has an excellent commentary on the tax increases cited in this story. You can take the interactive budget exercise yourself to see what you would to do cut the deficit.

Finally, in Post Show:

Sam plays Mike Stark confusing Rush about the legacy of “Ronaldus Magnus.”

Admin of the 20 billion BP fund is not independent of BP.

The Huffington Post was sold to AOL.

Sam takes listener IM’s and talks about how will.i.am stole his hat for The Super Bowl Halftime Show and discusses alternate names for his new microphone.

Tomorrow Sam will have Steven Elliot on to talk about his new book on Rumsfeld.

Daily Recap via Avant

Past Episodes

It's Casual Friday! Sam & Emma speak with Meron Rapoport, editor of Local Call and writer at +972 Magazine, to discuss his recent piece entitled "Surveillance and interference: Israel’s covert war on the ICC exposed", co-authored with Yuval Abraham. Then, they speak with Canadian-American ...
It's an EmMajority Report Thursday! Today she speaks with Dr. Eviane Leidig, postdoctoral fellow at the Tilburg University, to discuss her recent book The Women of the Far Right: Social Media Influencers and Online Radicalization. Then, she speaks with Kate Wagner, architecture critic at The ...
It’s Hump Day! Sam and Emma speak with Randall Eliason, white collar crime professor at George Washington University Law School and author of the Sidebars newsletter, to discuss the recent developments in all of Trump's criminal cases. First, they run through updates on Israel’s mass slaughter ...