Guest: Author and columnist Chris Hedges
Sam received a ton of feedback on his “Koch Brothers’ Freedom Dildos dipped in garlic” clip from yesterday’s show. If you haven’t heard it yet check out the YouTube clip. I think there may be a new revenue stream for The Majority Report, though the garlic dipping sauce should be optional. Picture unrelated.
Some news from Libya: The Libyan air force has bombed the rebel-run towns of Ajdabiyah and the oil port town of Brega. This is now quickly devolving into a civil war.
The government gets to limp along for another two weeks as Democrats in Congress take the stop gap budget bill that Republicans fed them.
Charles Koch op-ed in The Wall Street Journal.
Wisconsin governor may have violated labor law in Koch call.
Next Sam plays an interview with Chris Hedges, author and columnist with Truthdig. He joins to talk about what is the American liberal class and how he believes that it is dying.
Read Death of the Liberal Class by Chris Hedges
If you are not a Majority Report member you miss out on the Members Only Show podcast.
On today’s Member’s Only show:
Non-member Bonus!- YouTube clip of Sam’s Members Only rant on George Will moving into Glenn Beck Territory.
Sam stands up for trains! (built with Gault steel?)
Saturday Night Live: George F Wills Sports Machine
Sam is forgiven by the Pope.
And took listener’s IMs!
H. Jon Benjamin or Robert Reich - Separated at Birth