
Wednesday July 20 2011

July 20, 2011

Hey Majority Reporters…what’s doing?!

David Dayen (@ddayen) from firedoglake joins us today on the debt deal!

A Majority Report listener created a cool little bumper sticker slogan: http://holdyournoseandvoteobama2012.com/

Past Episodes

It's news day Tuesday, where Sam and Emma break down the biggest headlines of the day, including the unsecure Signal chats scandal and the attack on social security. Become a member at JoinTheMajorityReport.com: https://fans.fm/majority/join Follow us on TikTok ...
Sam and Emma welcome Paul Glastris, discussing his new piece 'The Meager Agenda of Abundance Liberals' for Washington Monthly. Also on the show, the Trump admin gives up on "due process." And on the Fun Half: Brian Kilmeade defends deporting people without due process, Dave Rubin has Mars ...
National Association of Letter Carriers strike THIS SUNDAY March 23rd. HELL NO to dismantling the Postal Service. head to their website for locations and meet-up times in your area. www.nalc.org/news/fight-like-hell Hey folks, it's another Casual Friday! Joining us to wrap up the week, ...