Spencer Ackerman (@attackerman) from Wired’s Danger Room, joins Sam to talk about drones over Pakistan, the military detention of U.S. citizens and the U.S. in Iraq. Are we really saying good-bye?
Plus, a round-up of yesterday’s direct actions at West Coast ports and at Occupy Brookfield here in New York City. We’re still waiting to hear from our man on the street Jeff Smith (@dontbeaputz) who was arrested. Ian of OccupyBaltimore calls in with his action’s update.
Sam talks about how Republicans are fundamentally attacking our system of government by trying to nullify the laws that created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And he tops Savage’s offer (times 10!) to get Newt and Mitt out of the race – will they bite?
Help us select the top three interviews of the past year for our best of show. Post your favorites in the Blog’s open thread — you have until Friday (12/16).