General Strike – Occupy May Day 2012

May 1, 2012

NO LIVE SHOW TODAY:  The rain has stopped here in NYC and Sam has interviews from Bryant Park, one gathering center for Occupy May Day 2012, International Workers Holiday marches in New York City.  We will post the show later.  Check back for the podcast!  Click thru for pics, links and updates from the day!

Video streaming by Ustream

Twitter Hashtags: #M1GS | #GeneralStrike | #MayDay
In NYC: #M1NYC | @OWSMayDay | @StrikeEverywher
Elsewhere: @OccupyGenStrk | @OccupyGenStrike | @BayAreaStrike | @oo_mayday
NYC Resources: Live May Day Radio NYC | Live May Day Protest Map
Other live-blogs: The Occupied Wall St Journal | Village Voice | The Nation

Link to an article on the history of May Day from the Guardian, UK.

To find out what’s happening across the nation,  check out Media for the 99%

Link to May Day NYC

For schedules and updates from  Occupy Wall Street click thru here.



Past Episodes

It's Hump Day! Sam speaks with Tariq Habash, former senior official at the Dept. of Education under President Biden, founder & director of the organization A New Policy, to discuss the Trump administration's actions taken regarding student loans. Then, he speaks with Dr. MarkAlain Dery, ...
It's News Day Tuesday! Sam and Emma speak with Lindsey Boylan, former government official, to discuss Andrew Cuomo's recent announcement that he'll be running for Mayor of New York. First, they run through updates on Trump’s trade war and the related economic turmoil, the GOP’s impending ...
Happy Monday! Sam and Emma speak with Dr. Keon West, visiting professor of political science at the London School of Economics, to discuss his recent book The Science of Racism: Everything You Need To Know But Probably Don't-Yet. First, Sam and Emma run through updates on the Canadian prime ...