Heidi Ewing, Detropia: Canary in Coal Mine for American Cities

June 5, 2012

Today, a day when so much is at stake for workers and citizens in Wisconsin we look to Detroit, the Motor City.  Once a place where the American Dream and the middle class flourished, it is now the canary in the coal mine for all U.S. cities.  We talk with academy award nominated filmmaker Heidi Ewing (@HeidiLoki), Loki Films, about her new film Detropia, which takes a haunting look at this iconic American city.  And, Jamie Kilstein (@jamiekilstein) from Citizen Radio petitions to fight with Jonah Goldberg (who believes that conservatives need to “beat” the socialism out of the youth who believe that socialism is preferable to capitalism). Sign the petition! It’s for charity!

Call to Win in Wisconsin — TAKE ACTION NOW!

Voting in Wisconsin today: Polls are open in Wisconsin til 8pm tonight! People can find their polling place at vpa.wi.gov

Click thru to see how you can support the independent release of this film, find links and updates.  Use this post as today’s thread. The filmmakers, Rachel Grady and Heidi Ewing, are releasing Detropia independently to ensure that more people get to see the film and hear its message. Be part of this effort!  Find out how here.

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Past Episodes

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