
10/5 Ryan Grim: Vice Presidential Debate Recap

October 5, 2016

Huffington Post Washington bureau chief Ryan Grim explains why Mike Pence pivoted away from Donald Trump during the debate. Why Trump will be mad. Is the Clinton campaign strategy shifting more towards base turn-out? Did Bill Clinton subtly push for Single Payer healthcare? And Bill Clinton wants to be considered a progressive President.

The time Mike Pence snapped at the debate and why last night’s moderator failed on style and substance and more Social Security myth busting.

On The Fun Half: no Wikileaks October surprise for Hillary Clinton and Alex Jones is enraged. Bill Weld the Libertarian Vice Presidential candidate is now mostly interested in using his time to defeat Donald Trump. Gary Johnson thinks knowing geography leads to war. Bill Clinton calls Obamacare “crazy” and he’s basically right. Megyn Kelly laughs in Kellyanne Conway’s face. Eric Trump has trouble talking about his dad’s taxes.

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