David Sirota

Sam and Emma host David Sirota, founder of and editor at The Daily Poster, to discuss the tough developments around progressive hopes for the Biden Administration, including bipartisan dead-ends, bad-faith attacks on Ilhan Omar, and the possibilities of filibuster reform in the Senate. Sam, Emma, and David touch on the power of narcissistic spotlight syndrome, and how […]
Journalist David Sirota explains the pay to play pension schemes orchestrated by the Chris Christie Administration in New Jersey, why New Jersey taxpayers have paid a billion dollars in fees to Wall Street, how Chris Christie is rewarding campaign contributions from Wall Street, the stunning conflicts of interests in the New Jersey pension system, why […]
Journalist and Pando Daily contributor, David Sirota explains how PBS News is corrupted by corporate money, the former Enron trader, John Arnold, who wants to destroy public pensions, why handouts to the wealthy through corporate subsidies are leading to attacks on public pensions,  John Arnold funded PBS’s Pension Peril series in violation of numerous PBS ethics rules, […]