Wisconsin recall

Sam hosts Ari Berman, writer at Mother Jones, to discuss his the midterm elections and his recent piece “How Wisconsin Became the GOP’s Laboratory for Dismantling Democracy”. Then, Sam is joined by Aaron Kleinman, director of research for the States Project at Future Now, to discuss how Democrats did in the midterms at the state level across the country. First, Sam runs through updates […]
Author, historian and columnist Rick Perlstein on political maneuvering in the mid-west, Republican bullying tactics and the confusion over Democratic
On day of WI Recall we discuss Detroit, where American Dream and middle class flourished, now is canary in coal mine for all U.S. cities.  Filmmaker Heidi Ewing on her new film
Huffington Post‘s Amanda Terkel in Wisconsin reporting on tightening recall race.   Both sides are energized, sending in big name supporters: Bill Clinton,
Sam comments on upheaval at Current and our man in Wisconsin Josh Orton with news of recalls, the GOP strategy involving fake democrats and tacking