
Sam and Emma host Benjamin T. Smith, professor of Latin American history at the University of Warwick, to discuss his recent book The Dope: The Real History of the Mexican Drug Trade. They begin by addressing the myth of the Mexican drug trade, built by both US and Mexican authorities around this moral binary of cops and federal […]
Sam and Emma host John B. Judis, Editor-at-Large at Talking Points Memo, to discuss his new book ‘The Politics of Our Time: Populism, Nationalism, Socialism,’ on the political movements in America so far in the 21st century and what conflicts and influences they might have on one another in the coming decades. They walk through […]
Sam hosts author Katherine Stewart (@kathsstewart) to discuss her new book, The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism and why the religious right’s network of think tanks, advocacy groups, and pastoral organizations are better organized and funded that we realize. On today’s show: FRIDAY: Trump says he wants to re-open the economy, criteria is […]
Mark Hayer, the father of murdered activist Heather Heyer calls for forgiveness and speaks of his daughters incredible integrity. No one believes Trump’s condemnation of racism. Who does Trump, mostly accuse of racism on Twitter? New York hates Donald Trump. Jesse Waters, takes issue with people calling for Trump to be specific about white terrorism […]