Rand Paul

Professor James McCommons, author of  Waiting on a Train: The Embattled Future of Passenger Rail Service, explains the history of political compromise that created Amtrak. Why Amtrak will always need public subsidies. Why Amtrak can’t be profitable. Why so few Americans have used train service. When government stopped supporting the railroads. Why politicians attack Amtrak. What we […]
America’s culture of cruel poor shaming reaches new heights with the disgusting new CBS reality show the Briefcase. America’s delusional relationship to poverty. What’s next for the Patriot Act? Is Rand Paul getting to much credit in the Patriot Act fight? Rush Limbaugh, takes on Caitlyn Jenner. On The Fun: A caller reports on the […]
Cliff Schecter explains why Dennis Hastert was just indicted. The mystery of who Dennis Hastert was paying hush money to and why. The systemic corruption of Republicans in Congress. Republican suppression and the pull of reactionary politics. Josh Duggar’s molestation charges and how the story would be covered if he was African American. Also why […]
Cliff Schecter breaks down the vital importance of the charges filed against Baltimore police for the murder of Freddie Grey. The “rough ride” and the culture of police abuse in Baltimore. What Martin O’Malley has to answer for from his record as Mayor Baltimore. The drug war and the destruction of America. Addressing the crisis […]
The insurance industry warns against the climate crisis. The fight against Fast Track Trade authority in the Senate and the House. Bernie Sanders forces a delay on the Fast Track bill. Sander Levin’s alternative bill in the House on Fast Track authority. Why the far right is ignoring Fast Track and TPP. Hillary Clinton’s fudge […]
Sam explains why the Patent Trolls have lost and podcasts are safe for now. Hillary Clinton launches her campaign. Why it isn’t unreasonable for people to vote for Hillary because she would be the first woman President. Hillary’s first campaign ad. Ted Cruz’s announcement will make you feel like you are stuck in purgatory. Hillary’s […]
Harvard Law School Professor,  Lani Guinier and author of the new book, The Tyranny of the Meritocracy: Democratizing Higher Education in America explains the distinction between testing merit and democratic merit. Why standardized testing is a measure of wealth and not merit. Why testing is not a measure of talent. Class and college admissions. Also how and why […]
Political maestro Cliff Schecter explains the power of national protests of the killing of Eric Garner, why Police abuse of African Americans is standard practice, is this a tipping point? Why DA’s should not be overseeing the Police, the Eric Garner murder and possible changes in public opinion, why we need an independent council to […]
Greg Mitchell author of Atomic Cover-up: Two U.S. Soldiers, Hiroshima & Nagasaki explains why the history of the United States dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki matters, the stunning civilian death toll from Hiroshima, the examples we are still living from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, why dropping a nuclear weapon had no strategic justification, why Hiroshima was […]
Dr. Robert Lustig President of the Institute For Responsible Nutrition explains the food myths that are driving disease in America and around the globe, why not all calories are created equal, the collusion between food industry and government, the myth of individual responsibility and what we need to do to end the American public health […]